####018002026#### NOUS42 KWNO 171021 ADMSDM SENIOR DUTY METEOROLOGIST NWS ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE NWS NCEP CENTRAL OPERATIONS COLLEGE PARK MD 1019Z WED APR 17 2024 ...UPDATES TO RECENT NWS OPERATIONAL OUTAGES... WIDESPREAD WFO NETWORK OUTAGES... WFOs internet and AWIPS connections have remained stable since the circuit was restored in College Park Tuesday morning. NCO's network team will continue to work towards mitigating impacts during the recurring circuit outages in College Park. NWS BROADCAST REPEATED MESSAGES... The problem with NWS products being broadcasted multiple times was traced to Monday's efforts to mitigate impacts from the temperature spike in the College Park Data Center. NCO implemented a fix to correct the issue at 2:00pm EDT Tuesday. MRMS... CONUS QPE data continues to not update on MRMS (https://mrms.ncep.noaa.gov/data/). The problem has been linked to the College Park Data Center Outage. Efforts to restore the data will resume early Wednesday. RECOVERY EFFORTS IN THE COLLEGE PARK DATA CENTER... No significant updates during overnight restoration efforts. NCEP Center's (OPC, CPC, and WPC) operations remain severely degraded due to downed NetApp systems in College Park. No ETR. Current Known Impacts include: -NCEP Centers' websites hosted in CP that remain inaccessible include EMC and NCWCP intranet sites. -WPC, OPC, and CPC's operational product suites' status, range from being degraded to down. -FTPPRD is inaccessible in CP (Customers are able to use nomads.ncep.noaa.gov as a viable backup in the meantime) -NCO operations personnel are unable monitor NWS networks and circuits. -CONUS QPE data is not updating on MRMS (https://mrms.ncep.noaa.gov/data/) -Several layers are not updating on NWS Cloud Services (GIS and Map Viewer) -Multiple outside datasets are not available/delayed (UKMET data, ECMWF data, Canadian METARS, ACARS aircraft data) Gerhardt/SDM/NCO/NCEP