Expires:201612162345;;978353 FGUS85 KREV 161546 RVSREV HYDROLOGIC STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE RENO, NV 746 AM PST FRI DEC 16 2016 ...RIVER STATEMENT... For the Susan River... the following locations are included... Susanville. For the Truckee River... the following locations are included... Truckee...Farad...Reno...Vista. For the West Fork Carson River... the following locations are included... Woodfords. For the East Fork Carson River... the following locations are included... Markleeville. For the Mainstem Carson River... the following locations are included... Carson City. Heavy rain has ended across the region...but rivers continue to run high and fast. The Susan has crested and will continue to recede through the day. The mainstem of the Carson River at Carson city is expected to peak this evening, while the East and West Forks of the Carson River have already peaked and are beginning to recede. The Truckee River above Farad will continue to recede, while a secondary pulse continues downstream on the Truckee today towards Reno and Sparks. These river forecasts are based on forecast rainfall and temperature conditions at time of issuance. If actual conditions vary from these forecasts...river conditions will vary accordingly. River forecasts include current and planned reservoir releases. && NVC001-005-019-510-162345- /O.ROU.KREV.HY.S.0000.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /STWN2.N.UU.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ 746 AM PST FRI DEC 16 2016 Forecast information for Carson River Near Carson City. * At 7:30 AM Friday the stage was 3.9 feet. * Flood stage is 10.0 feet. * Forecast...The river will rise to near 7.5 feet late Friday evening. * Impact...At 8.0 feet...Monitoring stage. Flood threat and localized overbank flows begin in lowest areas from Genoa to Fort Churchill, including Carson City and Dayton along the Carson River. Especially flood prone areas include: lower Carson Valley, the Willow Bend area of Genoa; the Empire, Stewart, and Mexican Dam areas, Pinion Hills and Brunswick Canyon. $$