NZUS92 KRAH 291501 LLLRAH NCZ007>011-021>028-038>043-073>078-083>086-088-089-300301- Public Information Statement National Weather Service Raleigh NC 1101 AM EDT Fri Mar 29 2024 2024 ATLANTIC TC NAMES Alberto al-BAIR toe Beryl BEHR-ril Chris kris Debby DEH-bee Ernesto er-NES-toh Francine fran-SEEN Gordon GOR-duhn Helene heh-LEEN Isaac EYE-zik Joyce joyss Kirk kurk Leslie LEHZ-lee Milton MIL-ton Nadine nay-DEEN Oscar AHS-kur Patty PAT-ee Rafael rah-fah-ELL Sara SAIR-uh Tony TOH-nee Valerie VAH-lur-ee William WILL-yum 2025 ATLANTIC TC NAMES Andrea AN-dree uh Barry BAIR-ree Chantal shahn-TAHL Dexter DEHK-ster Erin AIR-rin Fernand fair-NAHN Gabrielle ga-bree-ELL Humberto oom-BAIR-toh Imelda ee-MEHL-dah Jerry JEHR-ee Karen KAIR-ren Lorenzo loh-REN-zoh Melissa meh-LIH-suh Nestor NES-tor Olga OAL-guh Pablo PAHB-lo Rebekah reh-BEH-kuh Sebastien sus-BASH-chuhn Tanya TAHN-yuh Van van Wendy WEN-dee && Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$