SXUS43 KUNR 052001 RECUNR Evening Hot Air Balloon Forecast National Weather Service Rapid City SD 201 PM MDT Sun May 5 2024 This forecast is information to assist pilots and aircrews for flight planning and is not to be considered as a sole source of information to meet all preflight actions. Pilots should receive a complete preflight briefing from a Flight Service Station (1-800-WXBRIEF) or online via ...HERE IS THE EVENING HOT AIR BALLOON FORECAST FOR THE HOT SPRINGS MUNICIPAL AIRPORT... ...WIND ADVISORY UNTIL 11 PM MDT THIS EVENING... .THIS EVENING... Sunset: 801 PM. Surface Wind Forecast: 5 PM...160/24G36 mph. 7 PM...140/24G36 mph. Boundary Layer Wind: 5 PM...160/37 mph. Depth 4800 ft. 7 PM...160/38 mph. Depth 2500 ft. RAP Winds (approx. 6 PM): 250ft...150/20 mph. 500ft...150/26 mph. 1000ft...160/30 mph. 2000ft...160/31 mph. 3000ft...170/32 mph. Surface Lifted Index: 4 PM...-2. 7 PM...-2. Density Altitude: 5 PM...5624 ft. 7 PM...5444 ft. Additional Weather Info: clear below 12000 feet AGL, unrestricted visibilities, 20 percent chance of precipitation. .OUTLOOK FOR TOMORROW MORNING... Sunrise: 536 AM. Weather: ceilings around 2000 feet AGL, unrestricted visibilities, 30 percent chance of precipitation. Surface Wind: 5 AM...080/14G22 mph. 7 AM...100/15G24 mph. Boundary Wind: 5 AM...140/22 mph. Depth 700 ft. 7 AM...170/25 mph. Depth 1300 ft. RAP Winds (approx. 5 AM): 250ft...090/05 mph. 500ft...120/07 mph. 1000ft...170/21 mph. 2000ft...180/37 mph. 3000ft...190/45 mph. This forecast is not routinely updated or amended outside of any scheduled issuances. && Additional aviation observations and forecasts are available at You can also read the local aviation forecast discussion at $$ WFO UNR