####018001077#### PENA01 KWNH 161200 @UHPISF000CNé MPDSUM@V2.0@0101700060@12160225@@0NMCGPHMPD @!' `' ` @ ê¾& êBñ7)p&¬PNAM02@@>hü|û}û}ü}û~û~÷üýÿ‚ƒƒƒ„ƒƒƒ‚ƒ‚‚‚ƒ„„„…†„…„…„}{{€z‚{ƒ}„~€|þ}ý|û|û|ü|ý}û|ý}ý|ü|ý{ü{ü{ü|@@h€@@h€@@;Zü}ü|ü{û|ü{ü|ü|ý}ûzý}þýýþ€‚‚ƒ„„„ƒ„„„„„…„„„…„„„†……ƒ}|ÿyÿzÿyÿ{ÿzÿ|ÿ}ý~üûû~û~û~ú|ú|@@Z€@@Z€@@6V}„„„…„…†…………„~„}ƒ}ƒ{ƒ{‚{{€{þ{þ|û{ü}ü~ú}ú}û~ú~ü~ù}û~û~ûúúûüüþýþ€‚ƒƒ„ƒƒ„„@@V}€@@V}€@@k‰€0044 @@t¼€0045 @@‡m€0046 @@d&€MESOSCALE DISCUSSION SUMMARY GRAPHIC @@d&þ€ OF ALL VALID MESOSCALE DISCUSSIONS AT @@d&ü€ TIME OF PRODUCT CREATION:@@d&ú€ ISSUED 02/16/2025 0730Z @@ d™€NOAA/NWS/NCEP@@d™þ€ WEATHER PREDICTION CENTER @@d™ü€ FOR COLOR VERSION SEE: @@d™ú€ WWW.WPC.NCEP.NOAA.GOV @####018001802#### AWUS01 KWNH 160733 FFGMPD PAZ000-WVZ000-OHZ000-KYZ000-INZ000-161030- Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0047 NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD 233 AM EST Sun Feb 16 2025 Areas affected...upper OH Valley Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely Valid 160730Z - 161030Z SUMMARY...Moderate to heavy rain will continue to translate east through the upper OH Valley in the short term with an additional inch of rain through 1030Z. Renewed flash flooding is expected. DISCUSSION...0730Z radar imagery showed a leading linear segment of heavy rain moving through eastern KY, followed by a stratiform region of moderate to heavy rain over eastern KY. As a low level vorticity max advances northeast from Middle TN, an 2-3 hour long duration of stratiform moderate to heavy rain is expected to advance into eastern KY, southern OH and eventually portions of western WV. In addition, preceding the stratiform region will be a leading line of showers with embedded thunderstorms which have had a history of 0.25 to 0.50 in an hour but with a 0.25 inch or more in 15 minutes over eastern KY. As the entire envelope of rain translates toward the east/northeast, additional totals up to about an inch are expected through 1030Z, with a likelihood of renewed flash flooding or a continued/worsening of ongoing flooding concerns occurring from heavy rain which fell over the past 24 hours. Otto ...Please see www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...ILN...JKL...LMK...PBZ...RLX... ATTN...RFC...OHRFC...NWC... LAT...LON 40038127 39908038 39558035 39178062 38228193 37628302 36958397 36798457 36938503 37448531 38198528 39078473 39758323 39958210