####018003336#### SHUS62 KMWI 122015 FWOGSP Weather Information Management System (WIMS) USDA National Information Technology Center (KMWI) 12-APR-24 20:15:28 GMT Listing of Observations (Greenville/Spartanburg, SC) ST NME STAT'N DATE HR T W DBT DPT RH Y M DIR WS 10 TMX TMN HMX HMN PD PPAMT ------ ------ ------ -- - - --- --- --- - - --- -- -- --- --- --- --- -- ----- Stations not in a Zone: TALLUL 090802 240412 13 R 2 56 31 39 0 0 269 8 62 47 100 39 7 0.800 CHATTO 091301 240412 13 R 2 63 34 35 0 0 266 13 73 49 97 35 7 0.450 SPRUCE 311740 240412 13 R 3 52 31 45 0 0 290 13 64 46 100 42 11 1.290 SEVEN 313302 240412 13 R 2 58 33 39 0 0 281 12 71 47 97 39 8 0.700 BUSICK 313402 240412 13 R 0 54 30 40 0 0 156 8 64 47 98 40 12 1.370 JESSEN 313404 240412 13 R 3 48 32 55 0 0 228 5 67 41 97 55 11 1.090 BURNSV 313440 240412 13 R 3 52 31 46 0 0 293 11 67 47 96 43 12 0.400 TAYLOR 313601 240412 13 R 0 65 33 31 0 0 249 9 72 54 100 30 6 0.400 TAYLOR 313640 240412 13 R 2 64 34 33 0 0 280 8 72 53 100 30 8 0.670 CHEROK 313902 240412 12 R 3 50 29 45 0 0 295 10 65 42 98 45 13 1.250 COW MT 313903 240412 13 R 2 56 32 40 0 0 269 6 71 46 99 40 11 0.700 TOW ST 313904 240412 13 R 3 50 27 42 0 0 276 6 68 43 100 42 13 0.960 FRYING 314040 240412 13 R 0 50 29 45 0 0 220 4 55 35 100 39 7 0.410 MOUNTA 314041 240412 13 R 3 55 31 40 0 0 231 7 72 47 91 37 6 0.410 UNC AS 314141 240412 13 R 2 60 31 34 0 0 296 8 69 47 94 30 5 0.180 GRANDF 314201 240412 13 R 0 63 30 29 0 0 293 8 67 53 99 28 6 0.480 NORTH 314301 240412 13 R 0 58 31 37 0 0 336 10 63 48 100 37 6 0.340 PIEDMO 314541 240412 13 R 0 66 37 35 0 0 270 11 72 53 97 26 5 0.340 CHEOAH 315501 240412 13 R 0 61 35 38 0 0 259 7 74 48 96 38 12 0.320 LOCUST 315802 240412 13 R 3 47 32 56 0 0 278 5 63 39 100 49 12 1.030 HIGHLA 315803 240412 13 R 2 51 34 53 0 0 300 6 58 39 100 53 11 0.820 WAYAH 315840 240412 13 R 3 44 32 63 0 0 266 7 55 30 100 56 14 1.460 JACKSO 315902 240412 13 R 0 56 30 38 0 0 311 8 70 46 94 38 10 0.670 DAVIDS 316001 240412 13 R 0 60 30 32 0 0 239 0 60 45 100 32 8 0.960 GUION 316102 240412 13 R 0 60 30 32 0 0 244 5 66 45 100 3 10 0.690 BEARWA 316140 240412 13 R 0 49 27 43 0 0 286 15 58 40 100 40 9 0.680 MTN HO 316141 240412 13 R 0 60 33 36 0 0 298 3 69 51 98 31 4 0.320 RUTHER 316302 240412 13 R 0 72 32 23 0 0 274 6 75 53 100 23 5 0.520 SPINDA 316341 240412 13 R 1 65 30 27 0 0 270 8 76 51 99 24 7 0.210 MT. IS 316602 240412 13 R 0 69 30 24 0 0 299 11 78 51 98 24 6 0.280 ANDREW 380102 240412 13 R 1 66 32 28 0 0 281 5 70 49 100 28 5 0.430 TABLE 380201 240412 13 R 2 68 30 25 0 0 229 8 72 48 99 25 7 0.220 SASSAF 380241 240412 13 R 2 55 28 36 0 0 254 13 60 44 100 34 8 0.430 KINGS 380601 240412 12 R 2 69 34 28 0 0 167 5 79 51 98 28 5 0.310 DURBIN 380801 240412 13 R 2 68 33 28 0 0 267 13 80 52 94 28 2 0.100 WHITMI 380902 240412 13 R 2 70 37 30 0 0 258 18 83 54 94 30 2 0.040 End of WIMS Bulletin @ 12-APR-24 20:15:28 GMT ####018004727#### SHUS63 KMWI 122018 FWNFSD Weather Information Management System (WIMS) USDA National Information Technology Center (KMWI) 12-APR-24 20:18:10 GMT FCST/TRND commands processed for FSD. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,132207,240413,13,1,79,32,1,1,S,14, ,80,43,62,22,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,132207,240414,13,0,78,27,1,1,NE,07, ,85,50,83,26,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,132207,240415,13,1,81,36,1,1,SSE,20, ,84,54,61,23,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,132207,240416,13,8,66,72,1,1,SSE,16, ,85,61,90,31,12,8,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,132207,240417,13,1,57,48,1,1,WNW,18, ,68,47,83,44,10,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,132207,240418,13,2,47,45,1,1,NW,23, ,61,39,73,39,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,132207,240419,13,1,46,37,1,1,NNW,20, ,50,32,69,35,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,216901,240413,13,0,74,32,1,1,SSW,17, ,75,41,59,27,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,216901,240414,13,0,72,29,1,1,NNE,07, ,80,47,77,26,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,216901,240415,13,1,75,34,1,1,SSE,20, ,76,50,63,27,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,216901,240416,13,8,62,78,1,1,ESE,18, ,78,56,96,32,10,8,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,216901,240417,13,1,52,52,1,1,WNW,21, ,62,43,89,52,11,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,216901,240418,13,2,41,51,1,1,WNW,23, ,53,33,78,44,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,216901,240419,13,1,40,43,1,1,NNW,20, ,42,27,75,41,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,395901,240413,13,1,83,24,1,1,SSW,12, ,84,45,71,22,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,395901,240414,13,0,76,28,1,1,ESE,08, ,87,49,80,20,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,395901,240415,13,1,80,34,1,1,SSE,21, ,81,55,64,26,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,395901,240416,13,8,64,64,1,1,N,17, ,82,57,93,31,11,8,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,395901,240417,13,1,55,43,1,1,WNW,19, ,64,44,73,41,6,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,395901,240418,13,2,44,43,1,1,NW,24, ,56,35,67,38,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,395901,240419,13,1,44,38,1,1,NNW,19, ,46,29,69,37,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ End of WIMS Bulletin @ 12-APR-24 20:18:12 GMT