####018001017#### FNUS64 KEWX 300851 RFDEWX TXZ183-310100- FIRE DANGER STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE AUSTIN/SAN ANTONIO TX 251 AM CST Thu Jan 30 2025 ...NEAR CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS EXPECTED... * AFFECTED AREA: Val Verde County. * TIMING: From 11 AM until 7 PM CST. * WIND: West at 15 to 20 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY: As low as 12 percent. * FUEL DRYNESS: Dry to Critically Dry. For additional forecast details please see the Fire Weather Planning Forecast on our website. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Affected residents are urged to exercise care with respect to all outdoor activities that could inadvertently cause wildfires. Avoid the use of welding or grinding equipment near grass and dry brush. In addition, avoid parking vehicles in tall, dry grass and weeds that could be ignited. Do not toss cigarette butts on the ground. Report wildfires quickly to the nearest fire department or law enforcement office. $$