####018000969#### FNUS64 KSJT 301047 RFDSJT TXZ049-054-064>066-071>073-076>078-098-099-113-114-127-128-139- 140-154-155-168>170-310000- Fire Danger Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 447 AM CST Thu Jan 30 2025 ...ELEVATED TO NEAR CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS EXPECTED THIS AFTERNOON MAINLY WEST OF A HASKELL TO ABILENE TO SAN ANGELO TO SONORA LINE... Weather conditions will be favorable for fire spread in wildland grasses. * Relative humidity: dropping to 15-20 percent. * Wind: West winds increasing to 20-30 mph, with gusts 35-40 mph. * Temperatures: About 3-6 degrees above normal with highs mostly in the mid 60s. * Fuels: Dry. * Timing: Between Noon and 6 PM. Outdoor burning and activities that cause open sparks or flames are discouraged. Fire and emergency officials should be aware that weather conditions will be favorable for the development of wind-driven grass fires. $$