####018001095#### FNUS64 KOUN 010804 RFDOUN Fire Danger Statement National Weather Service Norman OK 204 AM CST Sat Feb 1 2025 OKZ009-014-021-033-034-036-037-TXZ083>089-020000- Ellis-Roger Mills-Beckham-Harmon-Greer-Jackson-Tillman-Hardeman- Foard-Wilbarger-Wichita-Knox-Baylor-Archer- 204 AM CST Sat Feb 1 2025 ...Near-Critical FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS EXPECTED... * AFFECTED AREA...Western north Texas and southwestern and western Oklahoma. * WINDS...Southwest 15 to 25 mph with gusts over 30 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Minimum afternoon humidity between 10 and 20 percent. * TEMPERATURES...Highs in the upper 60s to low to middle 70s. * TIMING...Noon to 6 PM. * SEVERITY... FUELS (ERC)...25th to 50th percentile...2 (out of 5). WEATHER...Near Critical...2 (out of 5). FIRE ENVIRONMENT...4 (out of 10). Outdoor burning and activities that cause open sparks or flames are discouraged. Fire and emergency officials should be aware that weather conditions will be favorable for the development of grass fires. $$