####018000941#### FNUS64 KSJT 151012 RFDSJT TXZ049-054-064>066-071>073-076>078-098-099-113-114-127-128-139- 140-154-155-168>170-160000- Fire Danger Statement National Weather Service San Angelo TX 412 AM CST Sat Feb 15 2025 ...ELEVATED TO NEAR CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS EXPECTED FOR AREAS SOUTH OF INTERSTATE 20 THIS AFTERNOON.. Weather conditions will be favorable for fire spread in wildland grasses. * Relative humidity: 15 TO 25 PERCENT * Wind: WEST AT 20 TO 25 MPH. WINDS MAY SHIFT OUT OF THE NORTH BY LATE AFTERNOON ALONG AND NEAR I-20 BEHIND A COLD FRONT. * Temperature: LOW 70S, ABOUT TEN DEGREES ABOVE NORMAL. * Fuels: DRY * Timing: NOON TO 6PM Outdoor burning and activities that cause open sparks or flames are discouraged. Fire and emergency officials should be aware that weather conditions will be favorable for the development of wind-driven grass fires. $$