####018003332#### FNUS63 KFSD 270958 RFDFSD Rangeland Fire Danger Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 358 AM CST Mon Jan 27 2025 .DISCUSSION... Lack of snow cover, breezy conditions, and temperatures warming to above normal levels will result in a high to very high fire danger for portions of the area for today and Tuesday. People are urged to exercise extreme care with respect to outdoor activities that could cause grass fires. Avoid equipment that can cause sparks near dry grass or brush. Do not toss cigarettes on the ground. Report new fires quickly to the nearest fire department or law enforcement office. IAZ001>003-012>014-020>022-031-032-MNZ071-072-080-081-089-090-097- 098-NEZ013-014-SDZ038-053>056-058>071-271300- Lyon-Osceola-Dickinson-Sioux-O'Brien-Clay-Plymouth-Cherokee- Buena Vista-Woodbury-Ida-Lincoln-Murray-Cottonwood-Nobles-Jackson- Pipestone-Rock-Dixon-Dakota-Beadle-Sanborn-Miner-Lake-Moody- Aurora-Davison-Hanson-McCook-Minnehaha-Charles Mix-Douglas- Hutchinson-Turner-Bon Homme-Yankton-Union- ...VERY HIGH FIRE DANGER... The Grassland Fire Danger Index will reach the very high category this afternoon. Very poor weather conditions and very low moisture content of grasses, and other dry organic material on the ground, indicate that dangerous burning conditions exist. Fires will spread rapidly and show erratic behavior. Outdoor burning is not recommended. OUTLOOK FOR TUESDAY AFTERNOON...The Grassland Fire Danger Index will reach the very high category. The grassland fire danger product reflects fire danger for native grasses. It is not intended for cured agricultural crops, nor will it reflect conditions in road ditches which have been mowed. $$ SDZ039-040-052-057-271300- Kingsbury-Brookings-Jerauld-Brule- ...HIGH FIRE DANGER... The Grassland Fire Danger Index will reach the high category this afternoon. Unfavorable weather conditions and low moisture content of grasses, and other dry organic material on the ground, indicate that there is a high potential for a fire to spread.. Outdoor burning should be restricted to early morning or evening hours, when wind speeds are usually lower and the relative humidity is higher. OUTLOOK FOR TUESDAY AFTERNOON...The Grassland Fire Danger Index will reach the high category. The grassland fire danger product reflects fire danger for native grasses. It is not intended for cured agricultural crops, nor will it reflect conditions in road ditches which have been mowed. $$ SDZ050-271300- Gregory- ...MODERATE FIRE DANGER... The Grassland Fire Danger Index will reach the moderate category this afternoon. Marginal weather conditions or lowering moisture content of grasses, and other dry organic material on the ground, indicate that there is some potential for a fire to spread. Any outdoor burning should be closely monitored. OUTLOOK FOR TUESDAY AFTERNOON...The Grassland Fire Danger Index will reach the moderate category. The grassland fire danger product reflects fire danger for native grasses. It is not intended for cured agricultural crops, nor will it reflect conditions in road ditches which have been mowed. $$