FZUS54 KCRP 121100

Surf Zone Forecast
National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX
600 AM CDT Fri Apr 12 2019

.For the beaches from Malaquite Beach to Port Aransas...

600 AM CDT Fri Apr 12 2019

5 AM Observations:

                              Bob Hall Pier         Port Aransas          
Air Temperature:              70                    70                     
Sea Water Temperature:        71                    72                    
Water Level:                  0.01 ft msl           0.30 ft msl                     
Wind:                         N 7 mph               E 8mph                     


                              Today                 Saturday              

Min/Max Temp:                 / 75                  71 / 83               

Sky         Morning:          Partly cloudy         Partly cloudy         
            Afternoon:        Partly cloudy         Mostly sunny          
            Evening:          Partly cloudy         Clear                 

Weather     Morning:          None                  Showers / Tstms       
            Afternoon:        None                  None                  
            Evening:          None                  None                  

Precip Chc  Morning:          11%                   20%                   
            Afternoon:        11%                   10%                   
            Evening:          10%                   5%                    

Wind        Morning:          NE 5-13 mph           S 13-15 mph           
            Afternoon:        E 12-14 mph           SW 12-14 mph          
            Evening:          E 10-14 mph           NW 9-14 mph           

Rip Current Risk:*            Low                                         

Lightning Risk:               None                  Moderate              

UV Index:                     Very High                                   

Sig Wave Height:*             3 feet                4 feet                

Dominant Wave Period:*        7 seconds                                   

Port Aransas Jetty Tides:     High: 343 PM          Low : 341 AM  
                                                    High: 425 PM  

.Outlook (Days 3-5)...

Dry with moderate to strong offshore flow Sunday, in response to a 
cold front. Weak to moderate northeast flow Sunday evening, then 
increasing onshore flow and moisture Monday and Tuesday, as surface 
high pressure moves east across the Western Gulf of Mexico and as 
surface low pressure deepens over the Southern Plains. 

* A low risk of rip currents means that any rip currents that do
  form are likely to be weak but still may pose a danger to poor 
  swimmers. Research has shown rip currents are typically more 
  frequent in the vicinity of jetties, inlets, and piers and 
  these can be quite strong on days where the overall rip current
  threat is low...especially if strong southerly of northeasterly
  winds exist.

* Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, remain calm. 
  Don't fight the current. Swim in a direction following the 
  shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or 
  wave for help. If tired, float or tread water until out of 
  the rip current.

* Wave height and period forecasts are representative of deep ocean 
  waves over the offshore waters, not surf conditions.
