###05|267 ###05|222 ##05|264 ##05|267 ##05|222 0:May 11:05|264:71 (22):69 (21):30.03 (1017):W 7:showers in the vicinity#1::05|266:::::#2:May 11:05|266:71 (22):69 (21):30.03 (1017):WSW 5:showers in the vicinity#3:May 11:05|267:71 (22):71 (22):30.03 (1017):WSW 8:light rain#4:May 11:05|244:71 (22):69 (21):30.06 (1018):W 9:showers in the vicinity#5:May 11:05|245:73 (23):71 (22):30.09 (1019):WSW 10:showers in the vicinity#6:May 11:05|246:73 (23):71 (22):30.09 (1019):WSW 10:showers in the vicinity#7:May 11:05|247:78 (26):73 (23):30.09 (1019):WSW 9:showers in the vicinity#8:May 11:05|248:80 (27):71 (22):30.06 (1018):WSW 10:#9:May 11:05|249:80 (27):73 (23):30.06 (1018):SSW 10:showers in the vicinity#10:May 11:05|250:78 (26):73 (23):30.03 (1017):WSW 9:showers in the vicinity#11:May 11:05|251:84 (29):73 (23):30.03 (1017):SW 8:#12:May 11:05|252:82 (28):73 (23):30.03 (1017):SSW 12:#13:May 11:05|253:80 (27):73 (23):30.03 (1017):SSW 7:#14:May 11:05|254:78 (26):73 (23):30.03 (1017):SSW 8:#15:May 11:05|255:75 (24):73 (23):30.03 (1017):W 5:#16:May 11:05|256:75 (24):73 (23):30.06 (1018):SW 6:showers in the vicinity#17:May 11:05|257:75 (24):73 (23):30.06 (1018):WSW 5:showers in the vicinity#18:May 11:05|258:73 (23):73 (23):30.09 (1019):WSW 8:light rain#19:May 11:05|259:73 (23):73 (23):30.09 (1019):W 6:showers in the vicinity#20:May 11:05|260:71 (22):71 (22):30.06 (1018):WSW 6:showers in the vicinity#21:May 11:05|261:71 (22):69 (21):30.06 (1018):W 6:#22:May 11:05|262:71 (22):69 (21):30.03 (1017):W 2:#23:May 11:05|263:71 (22):69 (21):30.03 (1017):W 7: