###09|644 ###09|613 ##09|648 ##09|644 ##09|613 0:Sep 27:09|648:75 (24):73 (23):29.86 (1011):Calm:#1:Sep 27:09|649:75 (24):73 (23):29.87 (1011):Calm:#2:Sep 27:09|650:75 (24):71 (22):29.89 (1012):Calm:#3:Sep 27:09|651:73 (23):71 (22):29.89 (1012):Calm:thunder in the vicinity#4:Sep 28:09|652:73 (23):71 (22):29.89 (1012):Calm:thunder#5:Sep 28:09|653:73 (23):71 (22):29.9 (1012):NNE 3:thunder#6:Sep 28:09|654:73 (23):71 (22):29.9 (1012):Calm:thunder in the vicinity#7:Sep 27:09|631:66 (19):66 (19):29.9 (1012):Calm:mist#8:Sep 27:09|632:68 (20):66 (19):29.87 (1011):Calm:mist#9:Sep 27:09|633:68 (20):68 (20):29.85 (1010):ESE 3:thunder in the vicinity; mist#10:Sep 27:09|634:68 (20):66 (19):29.92 (1013):NE 8:thunder in the vicinity#11:Sep 27:09|635:66 (19):64 (18):29.98 (1015):E 3:light rain with thunder#12:Sep 27:09|636:66 (19):66 (19):29.97 (1014):Calm:thunder in the vicinity; light rain#13:Sep 27:09|637:66 (19):66 (19):29.95 (1014):ESE 8:thunder in the vicinity#14:Sep 27:09|638:68 (20):66 (19):29.97 (1014):Calm:thunder in the vicinity#15:Sep 27:09|639:69 (21):68 (20):29.99 (1015):Calm:#16:Sep 27:09|640:73 (23):68 (20):29.98 (1015):SE 3:#17:Sep 27:09|641:78 (26):68 (20):29.96 (1014):S 6:#18:Sep 27:09|642:82 (28):69 (21):29.94 (1013):SSW 6:#19:Sep 27:09|643:84 (29):69 (21):29.9 (1012):SSW 8:#20:Sep 27:09|644:84 (29):69 (21):29.89 (1012):SSW 6:#21:Sep 27:09|645:84 (29):69 (21):29.87 (1011):WSW 6:#22:Sep 27:09|646:84 (29):69 (21):29.86 (1011):SW 6:#23:Sep 27:09|647:78 (26):73 (23):29.86 (1011):Calm: