Expires:202503142200;;506382 ASUS41 KBGM 142110 RWRBGM REGIONAL WEATHER ROUNDUP NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE BINGHAMTON NY 500 PM EDT FRI MAR 14 2025 Note: "fair" indicates few or no clouds below 12,000 feet with no significant weather and/or obstructions to visibility. * = Station(s) that does not report precipitation, such as rain, snow, etc, also no thunder or fog. PAZ038>040-043-044-047-048-072-142200 ...Northeast Pennsylvania... CITY SKY/WX TMP DP RH WIND PRES REMARKS Hazleton MOSUNNY 55 34 44 SE6 30.07F Scranton MOSUNNY 63 33 32 S8 30.02F $$ && KEY WCI = Wind Chill Index VSB = Visibility HX = Heat Index $$