NOAK48 PACD 031523 PNSCDB AKZ181-042000- PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE COLD BAY AK 715 AM AKDT TUE OCT 3 2017 ...Discontinuation of Marine HF Radio Broadcasts From National Weather Service Offices in Alaska on November 15, 2017... Effective November 15, 2017, the National Weather Service (NWS) Alaska Region plans to discontinue the marine weather broadcasts via HF radio transmitted from the Annette, Barrow, Cold Bay, King Salmon, Kodiak, and Nome offices. Marine weather and forecast information will continue to be available on HF broadcast from the U.S. Coast Guard. The Coast Guard broadcasts cover the Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, and Pacific Ocean. The U.S. Coast Guard broadcasts NWS weather information on HF to meet the United States’ obligation under the Safety of Life At Sea Convention. The NWS will continue to broadcast marine weather information over the NOAA Weather Radio on VHF. For a complete US Coast Guard HF Voice product listing go to NWS HF Broadcasts that will stop on November 15, 2017: Location Station Frequency Local Times _______ _______ ___________ ___________ Annette KDG58 4125 kHz 0700, 1540 Barrow KCB53 4125 kHz 0630, 1630 Cold Bay KCI95 4125 kHz 0530, 1030 King Salmon KCI98 4125 kHz 0930, 1630 Kodiak KWL38 4125 kHz 0730, 1130 Nome KCI94 4125 kHz 1130 US Coast Guard HF broadcasts that cover the Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, and Pacific Ocean: Location Station Frequency Zulu Times _______ _______ ___________ ___________ Kodiak NOJ 6501 kHz 0203, 1645 Pt. Reyes NMC 4426, 8764, 13089 kHz 0430, 1030 Pt. Reyes NMC 8764, 13089, 17314 kHz 1630, 2230 Honolulu NMO 6501, 8764 kHz 0600, 1200 Honolulu NMO 8764, 13089 kHz 0005, 1800 Guam NRV 6501 kHz 0930, 1530 Guam NRV 13089 kHz 0330, 2130 If you have comments or questions, please contact: Angel Corona Acting Chief, Systems Operation Division Email: National Weather Service, Alaska Region Headquarter $$ AMC OCT 17