SHUS81 KMWI 232006 FWNCAR Weather Information Management System (WIMS) USDA National Information Technology Center (KMWI) 23-APR-24 20:06:35 GMT FCST/TRND commands processed for CAR. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170031,240424,13,7,38,82,1,1,NNW,06, ,60,37,82,25,0,6,Y Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170031, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170031,240425,13,1,41,29,1,1,NW,10, ,41,18,82,29,5,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170031, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170031,240426,13,1,50,29,1,1,WNW,06, ,50,20,81,28,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170031, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170031,240427,13,1,61,32,1,1,WSW,03, ,61,28,92,28,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170031, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170031,240428,13,2,62,54,1,1,SSW,06, ,62,39,86,31,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170031, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170031,240429,13,2,59,60,1,1,ENE,04, ,63,44,100,52,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170031, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170031,240430,13,2,56,66,1,1,SSE,06, ,60,43,93,58,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170031, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170032,240424,13,7,32,81,1,1,NNW,11, ,60,32,82,23,0,8,Y Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170032, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170032,240425,13,1,39,28,1,1,WNW,10, ,39,18,81,28,5,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170032, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170032,240426,13,1,48,31,1,1,W,06, ,48,19,80,28,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170032, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170032,240427,13,1,58,34,1,1,SW,05, ,58,28,92,31,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170032, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170032,240428,13,2,59,55,1,1,SSW,08, ,59,40,86,33,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170032, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170032,240429,13,2,56,62,1,1,NNE,06, ,61,44,96,53,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170032, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170032,240430,13,2,53,66,1,1,SE,06, ,57,43,89,57,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170032, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170033,240424,13,6,44,79,1,1,S,05, ,58,33,79,29,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170033, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170033,240425,13,1,44,27,1,1,NW,10, ,44,21,82,27,6,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170033, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170033,240426,13,1,52,27,1,1,WNW,06, ,52,22,74,26,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170033, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170033,240427,13,1,62,31,1,1,W,04, ,62,29,85,25,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170033, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170033,240428,13,2,60,55,1,1,S,06, ,63,38,82,30,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170033, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170033,240429,13,2,60,62,1,1,N,04, ,62,44,96,52,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170033, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170033,240430,13,2,54,71,1,1,SSE,05, ,61,43,89,58,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170033, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170191,240424,13,6,45,76,1,1,S,06, ,57,33,82,28,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170191, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170191,240425,13,0,45,26,1,1,NW,11, ,45,23,82,26,6,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170191, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170191,240426,13,1,53,26,1,1,WNW,06, ,53,24,71,24,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170191, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170191,240427,13,1,62,30,1,1,WSW,04, ,62,30,85,24,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170191, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170191,240428,13,2,61,51,1,1,S,06, ,64,39,82,28,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170191, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170191,240429,13,2,60,60,1,1,NNE,04, ,63,45,93,48,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170191, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170191,240430,13,2,56,64,1,1,SSE,05, ,62,45,89,56,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170191, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170211,240424,13,6,41,89,1,1,SSW,05, ,56,33,89,27,0,4,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170211, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170211,240425,13,0,41,27,1,1,NW,11, ,41,20,89,27,4,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170211, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170211,240426,13,1,51,28,1,1,NW,06, ,51,25,65,25,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170211, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170211,240427,13,1,60,33,1,1,SW,05, ,60,31,81,27,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170211, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170211,240428,13,2,58,62,1,1,S,06, ,61,40,86,32,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170211, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170211,240429,13,2,62,62,1,1,E,06, ,62,45,100,58,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170211, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170211,240430,13,2,55,72,1,1,SSE,06, ,62,45,93,60,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170211, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170291,240424,13,3,46,68,1,1,S,06, ,52,33,92,39,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170291, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170291,240425,13,0,46,27,1,1,NW,09, ,46,23,85,27,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170291, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170291,240426,13,1,53,29,1,1,WNW,06, ,53,26,71,26,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170291, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170291,240427,13,1,61,36,1,1,W,05, ,61,32,85,28,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170291, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170291,240428,13,2,58,64,1,1,S,06, ,61,39,85,36,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170291, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170291,240429,13,2,62,67,1,1,E,05, ,62,44,100,64,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170291, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170291,240430,13,2,56,72,1,1,SSE,06, ,62,44,96,67,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170291, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170292,240424,13,2,47,65,1,1,S,09, ,50,34,89,39,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170292, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170292,240425,13,0,47,30,1,1,WNW,06, ,47,26,89,30,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170292, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170292,240426,13,1,53,33,1,1,W,04, ,53,29,72,28,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170292, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170292,240427,13,1,58,42,1,1,SSW,03, ,58,33,85,33,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170292, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170292,240428,13,2,54,61,1,1,S,04, ,58,38,89,42,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170292, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170292,240429,13,2,57,67,1,1,E,03, ,57,42,100,61,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170292, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170292,240430,13,2,54,64,1,1,SE,03, ,57,42,93,64,0,0,N Warning: BTFCST - NFDR calculation error occurred while processing Point Forecast where station ID: 170292, return code: -1 Reason: Data Error - Unable to perform Dead Fuel Moisture calculation because no observation data found for the day prior to next days forecast BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170791,240424,13,3,44,76,1,1,S,10, ,50,37,85,44,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170791,240425,13,0,47,27,1,1,WNW,09, ,47,26,82,26,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170791,240426,13,1,53,33,1,1,WSW,06, ,53,30,75,26,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170791,240427,13,1,57,45,1,1,SSW,06, ,57,35,85,31,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170791,240428,13,2,54,64,1,1,S,09, ,57,41,82,42,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170791,240429,13,2,58,64,1,1,SE,06, ,58,43,96,64,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170791,240430,13,2,54,65,1,1,SE,07, ,58,44,89,62,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170850,240424,13,2,48,59,1,1,S,06, ,53,32,96,32,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170850,240425,13,0,47,28,1,1,WNW,08, ,49,24,92,27,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170850,240426,13,1,53,28,1,1,WNW,04, ,54,27,71,26,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170850,240427,13,1,61,35,1,1,W,04, ,61,32,85,27,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170850,240428,13,2,58,56,1,1,S,05, ,61,38,89,33,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170850,240429,13,2,61,64,1,1,E,03, ,61,42,100,53,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,170850,240430,13,2,55,66,1,1,SE,04, ,61,43,93,60,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,172501,240424,13,7,38,83,1,1,NNW,08, ,60,37,85,23,0,6,Y BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,172501,240425,13,1,41,29,1,1,WNW,09, ,41,17,85,28,4,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,172501,240426,13,1,51,28,1,1,WNW,06, ,51,21,81,27,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,172501,240427,13,1,60,32,1,1,SW,04, ,60,29,88,27,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,172501,240428,13,2,61,56,1,1,SSW,06, ,61,41,86,29,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,172501,240429,13,2,60,58,1,1,NE,05, ,62,45,100,55,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Generated Point Forecasts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FCST,172501,240430,13,2,57,65,1,1,SSE,06, ,61,44,96,55,0,0,N BTFCST: Command completed =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ End of WIMS Bulletin @ 23-APR-24 20:06:38 GMT