Expires:202011110341;;623837 ASUS64 KEPZ 101541 RTPEPZ NMZ022-110341- Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for Southwest/South-Central New Mexico and Far West Texas National Weather Service El Paso TX / Santa Teresa NM ISSUED BY NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SAN ANGELO TX 941 AM CST Tue Nov 10 2020 .BR EPZ 1110 MS DH00/TAIRZX/DH08/DVH13/TAVRZN .B1 /DH05/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ : :Values represent Highs yesterday...Lows since Midnight MST ending :at 830am MST and 24-Hour Precipitation ending at 5am MST. : : :ASOS and Other NWS-Maintained Sites : : Max Min 24hr Snow Snow :Id Location Elev Temp Temp Pcpn Fall Depth :-------------------------------------------------------------------- DMN :Deming 4314 : 63 / 29 / 0.00 / M / M ELP :El Paso Intl Arpt 3917 : 73 / 43 / 0.00 / / EPZN5 :Santa Teresa NWS 4108 : 70 / M / 0.00 / / TCS :T-or-C Airport 4859 : 64 / 33 / 0.00 / M / M : : :AWOS / CRN / Military Sites - Not maintained by NWS. : : Max Min 24hr :Id Location Elev Temp Temp Pcpn :----------------------------------------------------- ALM :Alamogordo 4196 : 66 / 36 / 0.00 HMN :Holloman AFB 4095 : 64 / 35 / 0.00 LCSN5 :Jornada Range CRN 4327 : 64 / 23 / 0.00 LRU :Las Cruces Airport 4455 : 65 / 32 / 0.00 LSB :Lordsburg Airport 4209 : M / M / M SVC :Grant County Arpt 5443 : 52 / 27 / 0.00 : : .END : .BR EPZ 1110 M DH09/TAIRZX/TAIRZN/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ : :NWS Cooperative Observer reports received this morning... :Values reported below are 24-hour readings taken at the noted :observation time (MST). : : Obs Max Min 24hr Snow Snow :Id Location Elev Time Temp Temp Pcpn Fall Depth :-------------------------------------------------------------------- : :Texas : :New Mexico LASN5: Jornada Range 4266 : DH0800 / 65 / 20 / 0.00 / M / M : : :NWS Cooperative Observer reports received last night. Values :reported below are 24-hour readings taken at the noted :observation time yesterday (MST). : : Obs Max :Id Location Elev Time Temp :-------------------------------------------- : :Texas : :New Mexico :CLDN5 Cloudcroft 8660 DH1800 / 48 :HCTN5 Hachita 4510 DH1800 / 73 :HLLN5 Hillsboro 5270 DH1900 / 58 :MTPN5 Mountain Park 6780 DH1700 / 54 :RCKN5 Redrock 4050 DH1700 / 66 :WHSN5 White Signal 6068 DH1700 / 59 : .END These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). Therefore... these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at www.ncdc.noaa.gov. $$