NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE RADIOFAX PRODUCTS for the Northeast and Eastern Pacific **** IMPORTANT NOTICES **** Effective September 07, 2016, the address of the FTPMAIL service changed from to If you restrict incoming e-mail as a means of preventing spam, you must configure your e-mail system to allow mail from Read the help file carefully - 99% of errors using FTPMAIL are simple typo's, incorrect capitalization, failure to send in plain text format, leading or trailing spaces, or failure to set up any spam filters properly. The "help" file contains a more detailed description of the FTPMAIL system and available products. To obtain a copy of the FTPMAIL "help" file. -In plain text format- Send an e-mail to: Subject Line: Put anything you like Body: help These instructions are subject to frequently. ********** U.S. Coast Guard Communications Station NOJ - Kodiak, Alaska Assigned frequencies 2054, 4298, 8459, 12412.5 kHz Select a carrier frequency 1.9 kHz below those listed when using a single sideband radio in the USB mode to receive these broadcasts. The latest version of marine weather charts for broadcast by the U.S. Coast Guard are available from the National Weather Service Telecommunication Gateway on this server. The listed charts are in the G4(T4) format and enveloped in TIFF for viewing. Satellite images are in JPEG format. These charts may be found in directory: or For information of how these files and other text and graphic marine forecasts may be downloaded via e-mail (FTPMAIL) see: .TIF files now also available as .gif files This file is intended to assist mariners using the FTPMAIL system which is used to obtain National Weather Service products via e-mail. The following is an example in the use of the FTPMAIL system. NOTE CAPITALIZATION! Example using FTPMAIL: -In plain text format- Send an e-mail to: Subject line: Put anything you like Body: open cd fax get PJBI99.TIF get PYBE10.gif quit These files may be found in directories: or FILE WIND/WAVE CHARTS NAME 00Z Sea State Analysis 20N-70N, 115W-135E PJBA99.TIF 24HR Wind/Wave Forecast VT00Z 40N-70N, 115W-170E PJBE88.TIF 24HR Wind/Wave Forecast VT12Z 40N-70N, 115W-170E PJBE89.TIF 24HR Wind Wave Forecast (Most Current) PJBE10.TIF 48HR Wind/Wave Forecast VT00Z 20N-70N, 115W-135E PJBI98.TIF 48HR Wind/Wave Forecast VT12Z 20N-70N, 115W-135E PJBI99.TIF 48HR Wind Wave Forecast (Most Current) PJBI10.TIF 48HR Wave Period/Swell Direction VT00Z 20N-70N, 115W-135E PJBI88.TIF 48HR Wave Period/Swell Direction VT12Z 20N-70N, 115W-135E PJBI89.TIF 48HR Wave Period/Swell Direction (Most Current) PJBI20.TIF 72HR Wave Period/Direction VT12Z 20N-70N 115W-135E PKBK88.gif 72HR 12Z Arctic/Alaska 72 hour Wind/Wave Forecast PJCK88.gif 96HR Wind/Wave Forecast VT12Z 20N-70N, 115W-135E PJBM98.TIF 96HR Wave Period/Swell Direction VT12Z 20N-70N, 115W-135E PJBM88.TIF SURFACE CHARTS 00Z Surface Analysis 40N-70N, 125W-150E PYCA00.TIF 06Z Surface Analysis 40N-70N, 125W-150E PYCA01.TIF 12Z Surface Analysis 40N-70N, 125W-150E PYCA02.TIF 18Z Surface Analysis 40N-70N, 125W-150E PYCA03.TIF Surface Analysis (Most Current) PYCA10.TIF 24HR Surface Chart Forecast VT00Z 40N-70N, 115W-170E PYBE00.TIF 24HR Surface Chart Forecast VT12Z 40N-70N, 115W-170E PYBE01.TIF 24HR Surface Chart Forecast (Most Current) PYBE10.TIF 48HR Surface Chart Forecast VT00Z 20N-70N 115W-135E PWBI98.TIF 48HR Surface Chart Forecast VT12Z 20N-70N 115W-135E PWBI99.TIF 48HR Surface Chart Forecast (Most Current) PWBI10.TIF 72HR Sfc Forecast VT12Z 20N-70N 115W-135E PPBK98.gif 72HR 12Z Arctic/Alaska 72 hour Surface Forecast PPCK98.gif 96HR Surface Chart Forecast VT12Z PWBM99.TIF UPPER AIR CHARTS 00Z 500 MB Analysis 20N-70N 115W-135E PPBA50.TIF 12Z 500 MB Analysis 20N-70N, 115W-135E PBBA51.TIF 500 MB Analysis (Most Current) PPBA10.TIF 24HR 500 MB Forecast VT00Z 20N-70N, 115W-135E PPBE50.TIF 24HR 500 MB Forecast VT12Z 20N-70N, 115W-135E PPBE51.TIF 24HR 500 MB Forecast (Most Current) PPBE11.TIF 48HR 500 MB Forecast VT00Z 20N-70N, 115W-135E PPBI50.TIF 48HR 500 MB Forecast VT12Z 20N-70N, 115W-135E PPBI51.TIF 48HR 500 MB Forecast (Most Current) PPBI10.TIF 72HR 500MB Forecast VT12Z 20N-70N, 115W-135E PHBK50.gif 96HR 500 MB VT12Z 20N-70N, 115W-135E PPBM50.TIF SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES Sea Surface Temperature Analysis 40N-60N,125W - 160E PTCA88.TIF SATELLITE IMAGERY 00Z GOES IR Satellite Image, Pacific evpn01.jpg 06Z GOES IR Satellite Image, Pacific evpn06.jpg 12Z GOES IR Satellite Image, Pacific evpn12.jpg 18Z GOES IR Satellite Image, Pacific evpn18.jpg GOES IR Satellite Image, Pacific (MOST CURRENT) evpn99.jpg ICE CHARTS Sea Ice Analysis PTCA89.TIF 5 Day Sea Ice Forecast PTCO89.TIF Cook Inlet Sea Ice Analysis PTCA87.TIF SCHEDULE INFORMATION and MISCELLANEOUS Radiofax Schedule Kodiak, AK; PLBZ05.TIF Radiofax Schedule (DOS Text Version) hfak.txt Request for Comments NOJCOMMENTS.TIF Product Notice Bulletin NOJNOTICE.TIF Test Pattern; NOJTEST.TIF Radiofacsimile Symbols and Contractions PLBZ06.TIF Internet File Names; (This file) rfaxak.txt = Currently unavailable Many of these charts also broadcast from Pt. Reyes, CA and Honolulu, HI If you have access to the World Wide Web be certain to check out the following webpages. See these pages for further links. NWS Homepage NWS Marine Page Mobile Page Author: Marine, Tropical, and Tsunami Services Branch, W/AFS26 National Weather Service Feedback or questions: Last Modified March 16, 2023 Document URL: